Thursday, 23 August 2012

Photo shoot


With a planned  shipping date drawing closer than close it was decided  that we should  get  a photo shoot of the bike prior to departing.

We rode the Invicible Jap  around for 30 mins prior to loading this in to the truck for delivery to the photo shoot.

The bike is running well, some minor issues with oil and gearing, however this is basically as we will be at the start, providing all is recieved with the shipping.

Phil Smith has been involved in motorcycles for many years and we had  agreed to a shoot prior to our departure.

For those of you who are local we can thoroughly recommend Phil's Professionalism , patience and dedication to his art.

Our team was all suitable impressed with the quality and the fact that each picture was brilliant.
I have only posted a few, but there are many more.

If you are interested in contacting Phil you can find his details on

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