There is much to do, and building a bike suitable for a trans-country crossing is a daunting task.
As i mentioned in the previous Blog, our intention is to take a Goulding Outfit (Sidecar) and install a reproduction Wicker Body.
This is good in theory, but in practise it requires much planning and obtaining all the components to make this happen. It is particularly hard when some of these items are made from the antique motorcyclists rarest mineral "Un-obtanium".
I was lucky to locate a suitable Goulding side car chassis some months prior to contemplating the Cannonball.
While this is good news, it still is not a straight forward task of bolting anything on.
A wheel had to be located, together with a suitable Hub cap, Fender, and all this needs to be mounted securely, and surface finished prior to accepting a Body.
This is just the sidecar !
Side car Chassis with Wheel fitted (as found), nice and rough, worn out, but rebuildable. |
A good pal was approached with the hope of finding the un-obtanium.
This resulted in loan of a suitable fender and a couple of fittings that provided me with some options.
I managed to locate a rather mangled fender. (it had been run over both ways by a tractor in a field) so was pretty sad but unfortunately this fender was missing the brackets and the plan was to fabricate these.
A wheel was obtained from another pal and the parts laid out so i can get a glance of what we have to work with, with the pieces all laid out it actually begins to look like it is taking shape. (Not in really, but at least i have a kit of parts).
We plan on fitting this to the machine, re-pinning the springs.
It sounds fairly obvious, but fitting the wheel, fender, and getting the whole assembly to compliment the motorcycle.
It is also worth noting that in Australia we fit sidecars on the LH side of our motorcycles, as we ride / drive on the LH side of the road.
This is not the case in the USA, and as such the road cambers are slightly different.
We plan on taking the LH side car over as this is what we have, and will incorperate adjustments to optimise the handling and rideability.
Cast foot plate |
The sidecars are pretty unique items, and were designed and sold in Melbourne, Australia.
Goulding later went over to the US of A and set up a successfully business over there supplying the major companies.
This side car is circa 1924/5 and was originally sold by Rhodes Motors in Elizabeth St, Melbourne.
There are many pieces in a sidecar and many more in a body.
It seems like a logical place to begin, and yes i do suppose that i am putting the cart before the horse, but the plan is still on track.
I have the sidecar fender being knocked back in to shape by a competent sheet metal guru.
He specialises in motorcycle Fenders and his work is world class.
The plan is to hopefully visit him within the week, and see about fitting the sidecar and fender.
Meanwhile the fender takes shape, and the sidecar wheel can be overhauled.
Watch this space as i will post updates on the progress and work done.
yeah Chris! Keep posting photos and text about your project. It is great to see it all come together.
ReplyDeleteThanks Pal
ReplyDeleteWe had so much fun last time, we just had to do this again.
I look forward to cathcing up with many old and new friends.
Hope to catch up with you before the finish !
I dont need to remind you how much work is involved !