We have been buys bee's since arriving in the USA. The issues with customs allowed some breathing space for a few days and this resulted in some free time to put together a Video (DVD) of the pre-start. The Video is out for production know and is a short documentary of our adventure and the road take to date.
This will be available shortly, but a little hard to sort out logistic while travelling on a bike.
I am quite surprised at the quality and interest this has received to date and hopefully i remembered to acknowledge all.
What most readers will find surprising is that we are belong to the Newport Folk and Fiddle Club back in Melbourne and recently recorded our first CD.
Newport Folk and Fiddle Club have been great with the local community support and have supplied us with several copies of the CD to hand out to get our music to the broader audience.
Well we have certainly achieved this and i hope that all are impressed with the results. The DVD will be available before the start.
The title of our DVD is "The Invincible Adventure" and i hope that all that view this can enjoy this special event, along with our journey to date.
We are moving to the start tomorrow and the vibe is really abuzz.
Christina arrived and all is well. We are amongst like minded people who all talk our language.
Must fly
Well you did not actually finish the cannonball .Your sponsors got nothing for the money .Reckon your wife got financially drained by it .Better start selling bikes before the debts pile up Takes more money than you have got to do the cannonball on your own admissions ..